My creativity advent calendar 2024: Day 1.
Is creativity an act of survival or is survival an act of creativity?
I’m reading “12 Notes: On Life and Creativity” by Quincy Jones and one of the things he says is, “ … being creative isn’t simply a matter of what type of brushstroke you use or what key changes you write. I believe that survival is also an act of creativity. It’s a matter of seeking out new ways to stay inspired and creating paths that lead to a better future for yourself and others.”
Do you see survival as an act of creativity? How many of us used our time in Covid lockdown to be creative?
This is a picture I painted during lockdown in early 2021. I don’t usually have the patience to paint and I haven’t painted since. The magnolia in my garden usually blooms when I’m in Canada visiting my son but that year I had to stay at home. What does it take for you to be consciously creative?