Orange Moon by

Orange Energy by Jennifer Healey

Ann Hawkins


All I want to do is delight —

Throw the mask off,

Not care and not worry,

Not explain what I mean nor

Define what I do.

Just be whatever I feel like being.

Just relish in the energy of this moment.

I want to be so alive that

I feel like the moon,

Throwing tides just for fun,

Creating because it’s what I’m

Here to do.

I want to love the color orange,

Just because it craves delight too.

I want to cry because

I’m so in love with the miracle of

Being alive.

I don’t want to feel like I’m


I want to feel like I’m


I want to write the poetry,

Read the poetry, and

Breathe the poetry.

I want my life to be a


Messy mosaic that even I

Can’t help but fall in love with.

Create! Create!

I feel the winds of fury

Blowing through me.

Even my bones are smiling.

I hear my veins pulsing with

Desire, like branches

Dancing in the breezes.

Wildflowers are waving and

The ocean blossoms with a new idea.

Crazy and beautiful is

How I want my life to feel.

Let it be. Let it be.

I write to be free.

I read to tap in.

I absorb the poetry.

And so it shall be.

And now I am this energy.



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